Wednesday, July 16, 2014

BOOK LAUNCH: 4 JULY 2014: NEW DELHI, INDIA: A Chronology of Men, Matters and Events by Dharam Vir Taneja

SPEECH OF RAMNI TANEJA, daughter of Dharam Vir Taneja, on 4 July 2014 at the launch of her father’s book: A Chronology of Men, Matters and Events

Respected Mr Narendra Kumar, Chairman, Har-Anand Publications Pvt. Ltd.,
good evening and namaskar to all our respected friends and guests, ladies and gentlemen.

As the last speaker today, constraints of time are critical. I shall be very brief in my salutations and greetings.  It is both an honour and a privilege to be here amidst this very distinguished gathering.

As we celebrate the launch of my father’s book, A Chronology of Men, Matters and Events, which coincides with his 90th birthday, I would like to share with you my thoughts of my father. He is an extraordinary gentleman,  brave and compassionate, gentle and firm, courteous and soft-spoken, erudite and brilliant, patient and wise, philosophical and ethical….. the list of virtues  is endless. He has been a banker, an economist and a poet. Suffice it to say that he has been my inspiration and mentor and has guided me throughout my life.

It was an honour to have helped him with his manuscript. I am astonished at my father’s memory to vividly recall events of several decades ago, for example, when he attended  the funeral of Bhagat Singh and his associates on 24 March 1931, or Mahatma Gandhi’s funeral a day after his assassination on 30 January 1948. My father’s devotion and love for our country are palpable as one reads his work.   

When I think of my father, I am reminded of the words of a famous proverb:
“A father is respected because
He gives his children leadership...
Appreciated because
He gives his children care...
Valued because
He gives his children time...
Loved because
He gives his children the one thing
They treasure most - himself.”

I need say no more. My father epitomizes all the above attributes  and much more.
May I take this opportunity of thanking each and every one of you for attending this special function tonight and for making it such a memorable occasion for my father.

I wish to convey my sincerest gratitude to Mr. Narendra Kumar, Chairman, Har-Anand Publications Pvt. Ltd. for his trust in my father’s work and for his magnificent efforts in ensuring that my father’s work is published. My very special thanks to Ms Puneet Kaur, of the Taj Mahal Hotel for  her meticulous care and for arranging for this beautiful Longchamp Banquet Hall to be available for us tonight. I also thank Mr. Tapas Bhattacharya of the Taj Mahal Hotel for his kindness and care.

I request you to please join us for dinner.

Thank you very much.

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